Guest Speakers

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board recognizes that external (third party) guest speakers and presentations may enhance learning experiences and/or promote it's Christ centred mission.

The Ministry of Education "Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023" and subsequent "Strengthening Academic Achievement and Transparency", requires that school boards provide clear communication to parents/guardians regarding guest speakers and related materials shared during the regular school day (Kindergarten to Grade 12). Such information must be shared at least 14 calendar days in advance through existing communication tools supported by the school board or school.

Please find a list of vetted and approved guest speakers for the 2024-25 school year below:

Rhythm Works, Drama Classes. October 2024.pdf

Peter Boushy - Criminal Lawyer, Law Classes, November 2024.pdf

Niagara College Presentation - Dec. 4, 2024.pdf

Andrew Guy

SWAT Presentation - Officer Jeff Boss.pdf Dec. 2024

Anthony Greenidge - Canada Computers - Dec. 6, 2024pdf